Ingleby Pet Supplies

Nov 5, 20202 min

Winter Lockdown - Dog Grooming

Following advice from CFSG and DEFRA and the UK Government, we can confirm that for health & welfare purposes we will remain open for grooming appointments throughout the November lockdown.

We have worked strictly to Covid-Safe guidelines since the start of the pandemic and the safety and well being of our staff, families and customers is a priority.

For your dogs welfare we will be continuing with Full Groom services only. We will be prioritising dogs who are overdue and high maintenance breeds and coat types.

All dogs are being risk assessed with our own traffic light system -

Red - are dogs whose appointments are already overdue and they have missed one or more of their recent regular appointments, they have high maintenance coat types, health conditions or we are aware that their owners struggle to maintain them between grooms. It is essential to groom these dogs to prevent serious welfare issues from getting worse or developing over the coming weeks.

Amber - are dogs who are now due for grooming but do not have future appointments booked leaving them vulnerable to matting and overgrown nails, these customers will be contacted and a telephone assessment carried out to decide if the grooming appointment is essential. If deemed to be unessential the appointment will be rescheduled for January.

Green - are dogs who are short coated low maintenance breeds who have been groomed recently and should not need grooming at this point in time for welfare reasons. It is possible that these dogs appointments will be cancelled and the customer advised to wait for their December appointment or rebooked for January.

Existing customers should assume their appointment will go ahead unless they hear otherwise. We are not taking on new clients at the moment, our next appointments are now in January and we feel it would be unfair to take business from groomers who have chosen to close during the lockdown.

Please do not attend your appointment if any members of your household are isolating.

The UK Government have confirmed that owners can travel to grooming appointments as these are necessary for the welfare of their dogs/cats. Information can be found HERE.

Information from CFSG (Canine & Feline Sector Group) can be found here.
