Nutriment's raw rabbit dog food is part of our Core range of premium, raw dog foods for puppies, adult and senior dogs. Formulated by our in-house canine nutritionists, our recipe features carefully selected ingredients which are natural, high-quality and biologically appropriate. Our rabbit formula contains human-grade quality rabbit with added vegetables and superfoods, for a meal rich in essential nutrition. Our rabbit recipe is free from common allergens, including grains, as well as all artificial ingredients. This makes it easy and comfortable for dogs to digest, so that they can enjoy nutritious and great-tasting meal which promotes optimal canine health.
Feed 2-3% of the dog’s ideal body weight per day, ideally spread over two meals.
Contains 85% fresh meat, offal and bone.
Whole Rabbit with Bone 85%, Fresh Butternut Squash, Fresh Broccoli, Fresh Green Curly Kale, Fresh Blueberries, Scottish Cold Water Salmon Oil, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Raw Sea Kelp Powder (Laminaria japonica), Bilberry Powder (Vaccinium Myrtillus), Spirulina Powder (Spirulina platensis), Whole Milled Sesame Seeds, Wheat Germ Oil (natural vitamin E)
Nutriment Rabbit Formula 500g
This product is frozen and is only available for local delivery or click & collect in store.
Customer orders will normally be fulfilled on a Tuesday or Friday which are our normal stock replenishment days.