Descriptions & Ingredients
Our Complete Rabbit Formula raw dog food, is a delicious gourmet recipe. A blend of quality, fresh meat and ground rabbit bone (from DEFRA approved, British Farm Assurance certified local farms), packed with seasonal vegetables, superfoods and infused with the best quality Scottish salmon oil.
Suitable for all dogs 24 weeks+
Nutritional Analysis
ProDog Complete Rabbit Formula is perfectly balanced, giving the optimal ratio of plant-powered goodness, and fresh meat content in every meal.
- 85% Rabbit Meat (Includes approx 10% ground rabbit bone)
- 14% Vegetables & Berries (Combinations vary in line with seasonal availability)
- 0.5% Kelp
- 0.5% Scottish Salmon Oil
Nutritional Analysis (% or / kg) –
Moisture 73.5%, Protein 14.3%, Total Fat 5.6%, Ash 4.4%, Crude Fibre 3.1%
Mineral Content
Sodium 0.08%, Calcium 1.03%, Magnesium 0.04%, Potassium 0.29%, Phosphorus 0.61%
1.7: 1
*Please note – we use double 10mm mincing plates for all ingredients in our adult meal ranges. Bone fragments may be present on occasion.
Prodog Complete Raw Rabbit Formula
This product is frozen and is only available for local delivery or click & collect in store.