Important Covid-19 Information for Customers
It must be clearly understood that clients wishing to have their dogs groomed do so at their own risk and must agree to T&C. We will be adhering to strict guidelines regarding drop off and pick up protocol, time keeping & payment methods. Customers are responsible for transporting their own pet safely to and from the salon and within government guidelines.
On arrival clients must follow the strict procedures put in place to avoid cross contamination. Clients are responsible for securing their own dog via the hook up system and remove and take home their dogs collar and lead.
Your dog may be misted down with Leucillin on arrival, this is a pet safe, non toxic, anti viral spray. It is unlikely that a reaction will occur but we cannot be held responsible for any adverse effects.
It is the clients responsibility to ensure the dog is fit and healthy and must notify us of any health issues on arrival at the salon. Grooming of sick, obese or elderly dogs is done entirely at the owners risk, should emergency veterinary treatment be required this will be done so at the owners expense. (Vets are extremely busy in the current climate and we cannot carry out any veterinary procedures in our grooming salon.)
Your dog must be brushed out at home prior to their appointment, this is because they will be bathed immediately to minimise risk of transmission of Covid-19 on their coat. The groomer will make a judgement based on your dogs coat and condition with regards to styling - knotty or matted coats WILL be clipped short. A nail trim is included with your groom. By accepting your appointment & terms you are consenting to a shave down should it be required.
At pick up the client should arrive on time and payment will be taken. Late pick up may result in us cancelling the next dogs groom, in which case you will be charged a late fee equivalent to the cost of the cancelled groom and the loss of earnings. We do not offer a sitting service.
Time keeping - appointments are staggered in a way to avoid more than one client being in the shop for handover at any given time. If you arrive early you may be asked to wait outside, if you arrive more then 15 minutes late for drop off your appointment may be cancelled. If you arrive late for pick up you may be charged a late pick up fee.
Cancellations - we require 48 hours notice for a cancellation. Cancellations with less than 48 hours notice will be logged on your account and any future appointments will be payable in advance. No shows are not tolerated and clients will be removed from our database due to time wasting. Cancellation fees as per our normal T&C may be applied.
Transport - we would suggest government guidelines are followed at all times regarding non-essential travel. We will not be held responsible for poor decision making which may result in a fine or warning for breaching government policy.