We have been waiting for updated guidelines for groomers since the Governments announcement on 22nd February regarding the timeline for coming out of lockdown.
The CFSG (Canine & Feline Sector Group) published an update on 12th March which frustratingly leaves us no further forward.
The information we have at the moment is :-
March 8th - no change to dog groomers still welfare only by appointment with contactless handover.
March 29th - no change to dog groomers still welfare only by appointment with contactless handover.
April 12th - groomers should follow guidelines for non-essential retail when they become available. It is assumed that all activities will still be by appointment only with contactless handover.
May 17th - is is assumed that we will have further updated guidelines issued prior to this date however all activities will still be by appointment only and with contactless handover.
June 21st - all restrictions removed but the use of appointments and face coverings is likely to continue past this date.
At the moment all welfare slots prior to 12th April have been fully booked. Until we get definite confirmation from DEFRA/CFSG we will not be able to release any more aesthetic grooming appointments.
To qualify for a welfare groom we would assume your dog has not been groomed atall in 2021 and that their coat is already matted in areas or becoming hard to maintain, their nails may be long or curling over making it hard to walk or they may have a skin condition which requires medicated shampoo. Your vet may have referred you to a groomer or you may have been referred by an animal welfare official. Please be honest when accepting a welfare appointment we have to document grooms and take photographic evidence.
As always we will update customers as and when we get more information and open our online booking system as soon as we can resume routine grooming.
As per Government guidelines during the current lockdown pet owners can leave home for animal welfare reasons such as exercise, trips to the groomer or vet and groomers are allowed to open for welfare reasons (not aesthetic grooming).
We have a waiting list for April, for your dog to be added please give us a call on 01642 433439.
