Natural Instinct raw chicken complete puppy dog food. Frozen and natural balanced Barf diet. Chicken meat with bone, beef liver, vegetables and fruit. Packed with the freshest ingredients, this healthy recipe has been specially developed for puppies from 8 weeks of age, with no need for supplements.
British chicken with bone (80%), carrot, British beef liver (5%), apple, butternut squash, spinach, sea kelp, Scottish salmon oil & Brewer's yeast
Moisture 67.9%, Protein 15.5%, Fat 11.2%, Fibre 1.0%, Calcium 1.1%, Phosphorus 0.7%, Sodium 0.1%, Inorganic Matter 3.8%
Natural Instinct Puppy Chicken
This product is frozen and is only available for local delivery or click & collect in store.
Customer orders will normally be fulilled on a Thursday which is our normal replenishment day.